Some general information
How do we run your days?
Our aim is to maximise the amount of time you have on track, Track Action ride days consist of five groups that a rider can choose from according to their skill and experience levels, we aim to provide each rider with a minimum of five sessions per ride day. When everything runs really well and we look like finishing early; time allowing an extra session will potentially be offered to either a combined Formula and GT group or combined Corsa and FX group depending which is the larger in number on the day and has the most remaining participants.
Entry Level ‘Induction Group’
The induction group is an entry level group for riders new to ride days at RACERS sanctioned ride days.
Rider training is provided throughout the day to increase riders confidence and skills to an acceptable level so they can safely integrate into other ride day groups. The induction group is mandatory for new riders. unless you can prove an acceptable level of competence, all track riders who would like to take advantage of this service are encouraged to enter the Induction Group.
This industry leading initiative is delivered by motoDNA Riders Academy in partnership with the RACERS Group.
The Five Groups You Can Enter:
Induction Group / As explained above. Mandatory Entry Level Group for riders new to Ride days.
Formula Group / Next step up from the Induction Group and for those who prefer to ride at a more casual pace. (no undertaking into corners)
GT Group / For riders who want to take another step up in pace from the Formula Group. (again no undertaking into corners)
Corsa Group / First of the two Groups for advanced riders who have experience and ride at pace. (undertaking safely into corners allowed)
FX Group / Second of the top two groups for experienced riders who ride at pace. (again undertaking safely into corners allowed)
Moto Superlaps Group / The Moto Superlaps series is open to everyone with a road registered or track based bike this is an easy and fun way to get into racing without the usual pressure and hassles that has been required previously. (Limited to qualifying laps times between 64 – 70 sec)
*Please be aware that if, in our absolute discretion, we decide that the group you are in is either too fast or too slow for you then you may be reallocated to a group which is at a similar pace and performance to your own.
What happens if you have a crash?
Whenever a rider goes down and causes a red flag/light we will always dispatch the medical team to check them out. If the rider remounts and rides off before the medical team reaches them the rider will be required to go to the Medical Centre for a check-up before they will be allowed to go out on the track again. The procedure for how this is done will be covered in detail during the compulsory Riders Briefing at 8:30 AM on the Ride Day.
The bike will be recovered between sessions and must be examined by our Tech Inspector and like with any fallen rider must be checked by medical the bike likewise must be checked by the Tech Inspector before it can go back out on the track again.
Are you allowed to put cameras and stuff on your bike?
Yes but there are a number of restrictions. Firstly, our Tech Inspector is the final judge as to whether the mountings and/or connections of these devices to the bike are safe enough. Cameras need to be affixed to the machine with a second tether.
Secondly we do not allow things like iPads, timing equipment or anything else which is likely to distract you from giving your full attention to being in control of your machine.
Do you have to be 18 or older than 18 to take part?
No, we can accept junior riders as long as they have actually had their 14th birthday and if their parent or legal guardian is with them. If the parent or guardian leaves the ride day venue the junior will not be permitted on the track until they return. Junior riders between fourteen and sixteen years of age will be restricted to L plate “Learner legal’ based motorcycles of less than 500 cc in capacity, however they can be modified motorcycles that are race bikes as long as they are eligible to compete in either the MA based 300 or FX based 400 Supersport classes. If a rider is under sixteen then they cannot ride in either the FX or Corsa groups. Riders between sixteen and eighteen years of age can ride up to 850cc Supersport style machines.
Should you be using tyre warmers?
Yes; using tyre warmers has a number of advantages when it comes to safety and the longevity of your tyres. Going out on cold tyres and having to judge when they come “on temperature” requires a great deal of experience and far too many riders have left the track because they misjudged the state of the tyres. Tyre warmers also diminish the degradation caused by wide range heat cycles by helping to keep the rubber at a more constant temperature.
Will you get a chance to learn the track before you go out on it?
Yes; we actually encourage people to walk the track prior to our opening pit exit at 09:00. The track must be cleared by 8:45am so we can make final checks before starting the day.
Is there any special preparation you should do for your bike for days like these?
Yes, at the very least you should do and or check the following before you go through Tech Inspection:
Lubricate the chain & wipe off excess oil and adjust to the correct tension.
Fit knobs on foot pegs to protect the track surface
Mirrors taped over and preferably folded in but preferably removed.
Brake lights and tail lights must be nonoperational. If you are unable to disconnect the brake and tail lights, they must be taped over so that no light becomes visible from them.
Plastic Headlights may remain untaped but glass headlights must be taped over.
Tyres must be in good condition with plenty of tread and only street or road racing tyres (including slicks) are allowed (i.e. no dirt bike knobbies etc.).
The valve stems MUST have caps on them
Tape over your wheel weights
Control levers must have ball ends at least 10 mm in diameter
Fully operational brakes both front and rear.
Operational engine kill switch on handlebar.
No fluid leaks of any kind.
Throttle must return to shut position quickly when released.
Engine must idle at normal idle rpm when running.
Fork Seals and brake lines must not be leaking
Tighten Bar end weights
Kickstand must be spring loaded and self-retaining — it must not be able to “accidentally” come down. If you have a set of stands we strongly recommend you zip tie the kickstand in place and if your bike has a kickstand kill switch this is even more necessary.
Please take note that if any of the above tech points do not pass the Tech Inspection then your motorcycle will not be passed to be ridden.
What personal safety gear should I bring with me?
At the very least you must have:
- An undamaged helmet which meets the required AS standards, or the equivalent standard.
- Leather gauntlets that provide protection for knuckles and wrists and overlaps your suit
- motorcycle boots completely covering your ankles finishing about halfway up the calf
- a 1-piece leather suit; or 2 piece on the proviso the pieces fully zip together.
Do you have “Race your Mates” sessions in your ride days?
Sometimes we will run these as a group but in place of a regular ride day group. If you have an interest in this special form of Entry/Low level competition please send your details to events@racers.world and we will put your name on the “Race your Mates” mailing list to advise when and where we will be running them.
Is there a “waiting list” available if I miss out on an entry?
Yes, this system will ask if you would like to be placed on the reserve list.
What happens if it rains?
A damp/wet and or drying track on its own is not a reason to cancel a ride day as tracks do dry out if the weather changes. If the day starts out with heavy rain prior to the first session and the forecast is for a break in the weather to happen then we may decide to start the on track action later so the track has a chance to dry. If however the rain is torrential with a negative forecast on the BOM then chances are we will cancel the day. If we do cancel the day prior to getting underway then your entry fee will be transferred to a later day at no cost providing you attended the track and signed on.
Talking about insurance, what happens if I get injured?
Track Action has provided Personal Accident Insurance benefits through its relationship with RACERS and the RACERS Clubman Licence system which enables you to participate in many different RACERS recreational sanctioned activities, both two and four wheeled. A full schedule of the benefits of this Personal Accident Insurance is available from the RACERS website: RACERS.WORLD.
Are there any hints or tips to make the day more rewarding and physically easier?
Yes, he are a few to start with:
To keep yourself safe you must maintain concentration, so we recommend that you remove distractions that is why we recommend that you remove mirrors and cover up the speedo – so that you focus on the track in front of you rather than looking down at your dash and taking your eyes off the track unnecessarily.
Stay cool, look after the bike and yourself for your next session - we want you to get the full value of your entry fee so don’t end your day prematurely by going too hard too early.
Here in Australia, Ride days can be very hot, and wearing leather suit can add to your bodies heat build-up, which makes it imperative that you stay hydrated, drink a LOT of fluids such as energy drinks and water but do not drink too much coffee because it is a diuretic.
Always ride at a pace that is comfortably within your limits and always give your fellow rider space please again remember that these are recreational days not race days so the overtaking rider is always in the wrong - if an overtaking manoeuvre goes wrong then they have selfishly endangering another rider through their impatience.
As the day progresses and things heat up, check & adjust tyre pressures.
Stay inspired, talk to others in the pit area to see what you are doing well and what you might need some help with and remember to stay well hydrated.
What is our cancellation / transfer policy?
We advise everyone where possible to enter well in advance to secure their spot and allow us to pre-plan the day. As a reward for those who do pre-book over 30-days in advance we will now automatically provide you with ‘Just In Case’ JIC cover that provides you with the ability to transfer to another available ride day up until 9am on the day, the JIC cover allows you to reschedule your ride day once per cover. JIC cover normally sells for $49.95.
If you do not have JIC cover and wish to cancel / transfer your upcoming day for whatever reason then there is a transfer fee of $49.95.
Western Australia powered carport hire
Powered carports are available for you to use at a $20 Carport hire fee for a single motorcycle. Track Action collects this fee on behalf of the WASCC.
**Please note at RACERS sanctioned Track Action Moto Ride Day the Event Day Manager reserves the right to combine on the day similar paced groups and or recommend that a rider move to another group when we believe it is in the riders and the other riders of the group they are entered in best interests.
Track Action
Our Contacts
0407709597 (WA)
0412867554 (LPK)
wa@trackaction.com.au (WA)
events@lakesidepark.com.au (LPK)